Design Your World STEM Conference for Girls is the award-winning signature outreach event brought to you by the Society of Women Engineers Dallas Section since 2012. We invite girls from the greater Dallas area to experience a day of fun and learning through STEM activities. Parents and educators are also invited to learn about resources to help their kids stay interested in STEM and hear from women engineers about their education and workplace experiences.
We regret that our original location did not work out for a variety of reasons. However, we have found a new location to host our Design Your World - STEM…
Thank you for signing up and buying your tickets to Design Your World STEM Conference for Girls this November 11th! All available slots are now filled. Please let us know…
The moment you've all been waiting for is now here! Attendee registration for our November 11 event is OPEN! Visit the Registration page for details and a link to the…
Dallas SWE is a not-for-profit all-volunteer organization: we need YOUR help to make the Design Your World STEM Conference a success! Step up and inspire students to foster their interest…
We are pleased to announce that our November 11, 2017 event at UTD will be for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls! Stay tuned for more information about Volunteer and…
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Dallas Section is pleased to announce that our next Design Your World STEM Conference for Girls will be held Saturday, November 11 at the University of Texas…
Design Your World is a big part of Dallas SWE's Outreach strategy, but we do much more in our communities, in partnerships with local colleges and universities, and for engineers…
Our Design Your World STEM Conference for Girls held on April 1, 2017 at Southern Methodist University was a phenomenal success!. By the numbers, 137 6th-8th graders, 37 parents and educators, and 85 volunteers…
It’s almost here! We’re ready to welcome you to Southern Methodist University on April 1, 2017 for our spring Design Your World – STEM Conference for 6th-8th Grade Girls. But…
We have 21 Student spots left in groups 4, 5, 7, and 8. The registration deadline has been extended to Tuesday, March 28 at midnight. Don't miss out! Visit the…